What is a Railroad Apartment and Should I Move Into One?

Choosing the right apartment can be a big decision. You have to consider what is going to work the best for you and your budget, no matter what income you earn. You have to consider the amount of space that you would need when you move in. And don’t forget about the location of the apartment and some of the amenities that you will be able to get. There are many types and styles of apartments that you can choose, but not all of them will be right for you.


One type of apartment to try out is a railroad apartment. This is one that can be found in some older buildings and has become more popular in cities like New York. These are going to be recognized thanks to the long, linear layout. The design will have a few rooms that are all connected through a straight line, rather than through a hallway, so that it resembles a railroad car or a train. Each room is going to open into the next one, so it is going to take some time to adjust and get used to it.


Due to the fact that there is no hallway and you have to walk through the whole apartment to get from one room to the next, there is a limited amount of privacy. Everything is connected and if there is more than one person who lives there, then they may have to walk through a few rooms to get to where they would like to go. It is often a better option if you choose to move into this type of apartment on your own.


These are not as common as some of the other types of apartments, but they can provide an interesting option if you are looking for a new home that is unique and affordable. Be prepared to share the space and have little privacy if you plan to move into it with a roommate or with some of your family.

An affordable apartment could be just what you are looking for when it is time to make a big move to something new. But finding one that has all of the amenities and enough space so that you can still live on your own can take some time. We welcome you to come and take a tour of our one bedroom apartments in Lakewood to see if they are the right home for you to enjoy. With a great location and even better amenities, you will be ready to move in immediately. Contact our staff today to take a tour and learn more. 

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