Redo of Healer(Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi), or simply, is a Japanese light novel series written by Tsukiyo Rui and illustrated by Shiokonbu. It began serialization online in December 2016 on the user-generated novel publishing website. Seven volumes have been released as of December 1, 2019. A manga adaptation with art by Haga Souken has been serialized in Kadokawa Shoten's seinen manga magazine Young Ace UP since October 24, 2017. An anime television series has been announced.Redo of healermangaadaptation with art by Sken Haga has been serialized online via Kadokawa Shoten'sYoung Ace Upwebsite since October 2017 and has been collected in eighttankbonvolumes. Ananimetelevision series adaptation byTNKpremiered in January 2021.Plot Of Redo Of Healer manga : "Healing magicians cannot fight alone." Kearu, who was bound by this common knowledge, was exploited again and again by others.But one day, he noticed what lay beyond healing magic, and was convinced that a healing magician was the strongest class. However, by the time he realized that potential, he was deprived of everything. Thus, he used healing magic on the world itself to go back four years, deciding to redo everything.This is a heroic tale of one healing magician who became the strongest by using knowledge from his past life and healing magic.Premise : Keyaru, who is exploited and sexually abused repeatedly by others due to being a healing magician, notices what lays beyond just his healing magic, and is convinced that a healing magician is the strongest class in the world. However, by the time he realizes his own potential, he is already deprived of everything. Thus, he uses healing magic on the world itself to go back four years into the past, deciding to redo everything and get revenge on the ones who exploited him.
Oct 01, 2024
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