Gokkan No Rita ~ Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
This monarch is the strongest warrior and the aloof judge!
2000 years ago, five heroes and the guardian god King-Ohger defeated the Underground Empire Bugnaraku and saved humanity. Afterwords, the Shugods and five countries were created, and the five heroes became rulers, presiding over a long era of peace. However, in the year of the prophecy that the Bugnaraku would rise again from the depths, the empire was revived. The rulers were unable to unite despite the looming extinction of humanity.
Then Gira, calling himself the \"Evil King\", miraculously revived God Kuwagata and drove back Bugnaraku. However, Gira is declared an internationally wanted criminal for stealing the Shugod.
Rita Kaniska, the chief judge and monarch of Gokkan, a neutral country of ice and snow, begins their journey of adventure and conflict in search of the fugitive Gira!
Chapters 18
Aug 31, 2024
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