News Crunchyroll to Host N. American Premieres of Black Clover, Urahara, Dies Irae Anime at Anime Weekend Atlanta
Also hosts N. American premiere of Recovery of an MMO Junkie

Crunchyroll announced on Friday that it will host the North American premieres of four anime series at the Anime Weekend Atlanta event. The anime include Black Clover, Dies irae, Urahara, and Recovery of an MMO Junkie. All four anime will screen at the event before they premiere on television in Japan in October.

The event will screen the first two episodes of Recovery of an MMO Junkie and the first episode of Black Clover and Dies irae at Crunchyroll's Fall Simulcast Premiere Panel on September 29. Crunchyroll will screen the first episode of Urahara at an Urahara-specific panel on September 30. Luna Haruna will attend the Urahara panel.

Crunchyroll previously announced that it would stream all four series as they aired.

Anime Weekend Atlanta will be held from September 28 through October 1 at the Renaissance Waverly Hotel & Cobb Galleria. The event will also host voice actor Nobutoshi Canna and singer Luna Haruna. Other guests include: game designer Naco Miyasaka; illustrator Miyu Miyasaka; game composer Hitoshi Sakimoto; voice actor Kazuhiko Inoue; musicians DAOKO, Teddyloid, Bless4, Taku Takahashi, and Hanafugetsu; manga creators Toshio Maeda and Takeshi Nogami, voice actresses Chie Nakamura and Kana Ueda; and military technical adviser and screenwriter Takaaki Suzuki.

Source: Crunchyroll (Joseph Luster)

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