Behind the scenes of bookmakers: how they set odds

Cleveland, Ohio is where it all begins. As someone who loves to dabble in a bit of sports betting, I was intrigued to learn about the intricate process behind the odds-setting game. It turns out that the world of wagering has evolved into a complex system, leaving behind the era of a few bookmakers calling the shots nationwide.

I recently had the opportunity to chat with Adam Suliman, the VP of Sports and Digital Gaming at JACK Entertainment, who shed some light on this fascinating domain. According to him, the landscape has shifted towards a more model-driven approach, given the vast betting markets in the United States today.

Behind-the-scenes of sports betting: How odds are set and why they keep  changing -

Here's the gist of how it operates:

In Ohio, where JACK Entertainment holds a license for betting, they have the green light to offer wagers either in person at a sportsbook or through a mobile-betting app. Of course, all of this is under the watchful eye of the Ohio Casino Control Commission, which approves the types of bets that sportsbooks can offer.

Once a sportsbook like JACK decides which bets to present, the next step is setting the odds. This is where it gets interesting. A combination of traders (the folks who set the bets) and statistical models come into play. Each sportsbook has its own unique approach to this. Some have in-house teams, while others opt to outsource the task to external entities. JACK Entertainment, for instance, takes a hybrid approach, utilizing both methods.

The computers behind the scenes analyze numerous variables. Is a key player nursing an injury? Will the weather gods decide to bring rain? Based on this data, they churn out the odds for the sportsbooks to use in crafting their bets. However, it doesn't end there. Human traders step in to fine-tune these odds, ensuring they align with the specific market they serve.

Let's not forget the "vig," the fee that sportsbooks tack onto a bet. This fee is seamlessly incorporated into the odds, and it's essentially how sportsbooks make their cut.

Now, here's the kicker – most betting apps tend to offer quite similar odds. Even in the heat of fierce rivalries like Ohio State versus Michigan or the Browns versus the Steelers, the odds generally fall within the same ballpark. This is somewhat surprising, considering the passionate fan base that tends to back their hometown heroes.

So, what's the ultimate goal behind all this odds-setting wizardry? Contrary to what some might think, it's not about balancing the books and having equal money on both sides of a bet. According to Suliman, it's all about probability and calculations that dictate the line. In reality, fans don't often split their bets evenly. The sportsbook might find itself in a situation where 70% of the wagers are on one side, leaving them potentially vulnerable. But, as Suliman points out, over time, these fluctuations tend to even out, ensuring the sportsbooks come out on top.

Intriguingly, the lines do move, but not necessarily because of the money flowing in. It's often due to fresh information entering the fray. For instance, a Sunday NFL game's line might be set on a Monday, but as the week unfolds, practice sessions may not go as planned or a surprise injury update may surface. The point is, if you place your bet early in the week when the Browns are getting 5 points, you get to lock in those odds, even if they shift to 7 or 2 points later on. It's all part of the dynamic world of sports betting, where odds are constantly in flux, just like the games themselves.

One crucial aspect of odds-setting is understanding that it's not solely a numbers game. It's an artful blend of mathematics, statistical analysis, and a keen awareness of the pulse of the sporting world. This intricate dance between data and intuition is what keeps sportsbooks on their toes.

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As I continued my exploration into the world of sports betting, I found that the role of the oddsmaker is often underestimated. These professionals are akin to modern-day oracles, gazing into the crystal ball of sports events, trying to predict the unpredictable. Their expertise lies not only in crunching numbers but also in foreseeing how various factors can influence the outcome of a game.

Weather, for instance, plays a more substantial role than one might think. A sudden downpour or a gusty wind can significantly impact the performance of athletes on the field. It's not uncommon for oddsmakers to closely monitor weather forecasts and adjust odds accordingly. After all, no one wants to bet on a game only to find out that Mother Nature has thrown a curveball into the mix.

Injuries are another critical factor. A star player's sudden absence can shift the odds dramatically. Oddsmakers keep a vigilant eye on injury reports, making rapid adjustments to maintain the balance. It's a constant race against time, as injury updates can emerge at any moment, right up until game day.

But it's not just external factors that sway the odds. The public's perception and sentiment can also have a profound impact. The so-called "public money" can flood in on the side of the favorite, creating an imbalance that sportsbooks need to address. Oddsmakers must then decide whether to adjust the odds to attract more bets on the underdog, or simply let the chips fall where they may.

And then there are the intangibles, the immeasurable elements that can turn the tide of a game. The underdog's fighting spirit, a team's home-field advantage, or the "clutch factor" of a particular player – these are the nuances that keep both oddsmakers and bettors constantly guessing.

In the world of sports betting, information is power. Oddsmakers scour a vast array of sources, from injury reports and weather forecasts to team statistics and historical data. They leverage this wealth of information to fine-tune their odds and stay ahead of the game.

One intriguing aspect of odds-setting is the "sharps" versus "squares" dynamic. Sharps are the seasoned, knowledgeable bettors who meticulously analyze the odds, seeking out opportunities where they believe the bookmakers have made errors. Squares, on the other hand, are casual bettors who often rely on instinct, emotion, or public sentiment. The battle between these two groups is a constant tug-of-war that keeps the odds in a state of flux.

Oddsmakers must strike a delicate balance between catering to both sharps and squares. They need to set odds that attract action from both sides while ensuring the sportsbook remains profitable. This requires a blend of art and science, as well as a deep understanding of the psychology of betting.

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In recent years, technological advancements have transformed the landscape of sports betting. The rise of data analytics and machine learning algorithms has empowered sportsbooks to refine their odds with unprecedented precision. These tools can crunch vast amounts of data in real-time, allowing for instantaneous adjustments as events unfold. It's a testament to the ever-evolving nature of the industry.

Another fascinating dimension of odds-setting is the role of in-game data. As the game progresses, a treasure trove of statistics becomes available, and sportsbooks can offer dynamic bets based on this data. Will a basketball player make the next free throw? How many yards will a football team gain in its next possession? These in-game bets add an extra layer of excitement to the betting experience.

But perhaps one of the most significant developments in the world of sports betting is the legalization and regulation of the industry in various states across the United States. With the repeal of the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) in 2018, states gained the authority to legalize sports betting within their borders. This has opened up a vast and previously untapped market, attracting both established sportsbooks and new entrants eager to stake their claim.

As the landscape continues to evolve, one thing remains constant: the thrill of the wager. Whether you're a seasoned sharp or a casual square, the world of sports betting offers a unique blend of strategy, excitement, and the allure of the unknown. It's a world where odds are not merely numbers but the threads that weave the tapestry of every sporting event, transforming it into a captivating narrative of risk and reward.

For those looking to embark on their own sports betting journey, platforms like provide a gateway to this exhilarating world. With a myriad of options and opportunities, it's essential to find a trusted partner to navigate the odds and make informed choices. So, whether you're a passionate fan or a curious newcomer, remember that the world of sports betting is ever-evolving, and there's always a new game to play.

So, the next time you place a bet on your favorite team, remember that there's more to those odds than meets the eye. Behind every line, there's a team of experts working tirelessly to strike the delicate balance between risk and reward, making the world of sports betting a dynamic and endlessly fascinating one.

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