Revenge On The Real One
Revenge On The Real One
Helga Eutrid, a half-blood noble born from a filthy maid of the Duke’s family, was a substitute daughter–a fake. She worked hard to become a real daughter, and continued to work harder still. \"Duchess! The real lady is alive.\" \"Her name is… Helianne!” Helga prayed to God and begged that the real daughter didn’t return to take her place. \"...return, Helianne.\" \"Please don\'t return, I beg you.\" Helga wondered, was it because she was a fake that her pleas did not reach God? “Dear God, I have prayed to you countless times, haven’t I? I implore you; do not let her return.\" She shouted these prayers again and again until her throat turned hoarse; but it was in vain. \'The child who will ruin my whole world… The Duke family’s real daughter, Helianne.\' The real daughter has returned. --- Helga Yttri, a half-noble lady who inherited the blood of a lowly maid. A bastard child whose position was switched by the Duke\'s maid; a Fake child. Helga gave her everything to be recognised as the real daughter. \"Your Grace! The real Young Miss is alive.\" \"She goes by the name Hyllian...!\" Helga prayed to God countless times so that the real Young Miss never returned. \" ...don\'t come back, Hyllian.\" \"Don\'t come back, please.\" She wondered if her prayers failed to reach God because she was a fake daughter. \"Dear God, I\'ve been praying countless times.\" \"I asked you never to let \'that child\' return.\" The prayers she howled until her throat went hoarse were all in vain. \"The real daughter of the House of Yttri, Hyllian... The child who will destroy my whole world.\" The real daughter is back.
Chapters 120
Dec 03, 2024
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