A collection of stories with various Bukkake situations. Cover by Kitakami Ren Hot and thick milk, that you want to be covered with... !!! But you can't say it to anyone as its too embarrassing confused 1. Kaikan Massage (快感マッサージ) by Sakurai Ryou Also in Kaikan Massage 2. Momihami (もみはみっ) by Sakira Side story of Momihami in Otokomae Dorowars!. 3. Houkago no Hatsujouki (放課後ノ発情期) by Shimizu Hikari 4. Baby Doll (ベイビー・ドール) by Hashiba Mizu 5. Inma Tsuitemasu! (淫魔憑いてます!) by Aion Kiu 6. Cinderella Story (シンデレラストーリー) by Sato Nishi 7. Maniac ni Aishite♥: Ookiku Sodatte-hen Youbun wa Ore no ◯◯ (マニアックに愛して♥ 〜大きく育って編 養分は俺の◯◯〜) by Higashino You Side story of Maniac ni Aishite. 8. Kido-sensei no Choukyou Kagai Jugyou: Oshiego no Seieki Tasting (城戸先生の調教課外授業 〜教え子の精液テイスティング〜) by Kayuma Mimu 9. Boukun ni Nurasarete (暴君に濡らされて) by Koike Marumi Becoming a prisoner to the neighboring king and having my body exploited. 10. Houkago Erotic (放課後エロティック) by Yamada Maya As the two protagonists confront their fears, they find out that their problems are actually very similar. They continue to have a very steamy session in school. 11. Kojirase Cherry (こじらせチェリー) by Kitano Megumi 12. Peropero-chan (ペロペロちゃん) by Takaku Shouko A pet store mascot dog falls in love with one of the unsold puppies in his owner's shop. Also in Haretara Kimi o Mukae ni Iku 13. Yoidore Policy (酔いどれポリシー/ Drunkard's Policy) by Kitakami Ren Side story of Michizure Policy. 14. Uso Mitai na Hanashi desu ga H (嘘みたいな話ですがH) by Koshino Side story of Uso Mitai na Hanashi Desu ga.
Chapters 13
Oct 20, 2016
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