4 long short stories: 1) Who Made Him Such a Man? When a young dashing teacher visits his pupil's home, he encounters his old classmate who works now as a debt collector. The friend has looked after the pupil whose mother ran away and only left him a heavy debt. The teacher and the debt collector return to their former love-relationship... 2) 37°C A very nice medicine salesman visits the room of a doctor who caught the flu. The doctor buys a medicine in return for the salesman's sexual service. But the salesman turns out to be an old acquaintance with whom he had had a sexual relationship in the past and he tries to interfere with the doctor's engagement with the hospital director's daughter 3) Costly Ecstasy An office worker who got downsized is picked up by a clever student and changes into a very sexy guy. He tries to take revenge on his old colleague who stole his lover, but the colleague turns out to be a former lover of the student... 4) Kuroi Tobira (Black Door) The lonely student who has a somehow demonic desire is confined in a room by a very sound and popular teacher who decides to commit suicide. With this teacher's so strong obsession, the student forgets his hatred for society... The title of this book comes from the old japanese popular song, "Hoshi no Nagare ni" in 1947, soon after the end of the World War II, when many women became whores because of poverty. They compare their frail destiny with the falling stars and ask who made them dirty women like whores ("Konna Onna ni Dare ga shita" - War always distresses weak people, children and women).
Chapters 4
Oct 30, 2016
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