When A Yakuza Falls In Love
When A Yakuza Falls In Love
[English by Day0311] “Take it off.” “Why should I take it off?” “I’m going to search your body. That’s because I’m an owner who searches thoroughly whoever I let in my own house.” Minjun came to Japan to study, dreaming of a great gay life. As soon as he was ready to die after being swindled by his ex-boyfriend for six months, a group of black Mercedes-Benz surrounded Minjun. Out of nowhere a little boy named Toma came out of one of the cars and ran towards Minjun calling him “Mama!”. Minjun, who was taken to the Yakuza den because of a Toma that didn’t want to let go of him, decides to die after being crushed once by the cruel and deadly Daiki. The story of Minjun’s fatal love story, dotted with 'Mama' by the cold-blooded and sexy yakuza boss Daiki Jo and his son Toma! (Moon Eclipse_x Scans) ”Undress” ”Why do I have to undress?” ”For physical inspection. I’m the type to thoroughly inspect the people coming into my house” Dreaming of a great gay life, Minjoon came to study in Japan. After being swindled by his ex-lover of six months, Minjoon was ready to end his life but was suddenly surrounded by a group of black Benz cars. Toma, a small boy comes out of a car, running into Minjoon’s embrace whilst calling him “Mama!”. Due to Toma’s reluctance, Minjoon is dragged to the yakuza’s den where he meets the heartless and fatal Daiki, and thinks it’s better to just be killed after seeing Daiki’s gaze but…... This is a thrilling love story of the cold-blooded, and sexy yakuza boss, Daiki Jo, and Minjoon who was chosen to be “Mama” by Daiki’s son, Toma! [Spanish by Dulce Veneno Yaoi] "Quítatelo" "¿Por qué debería quitármelo?" "Voy a registrar tu cuerpo. Es porque soy un dueño que revisa a todo aquel que deja entrar a su casa ”. Minjun vino a estudiar a Japón, soñando con una gran vida gay. Tan pronto como estaba dispuesto a morir después de ser engañado por su ex novio, durante seis largos meses, un grupo de Mercedes-Benz negros rodeó a Minjun. De repente, un pequeño niño llamado Toma salió de uno de los autos y corrió hacia Minjun llamándolo "¡Mamá!". Minjun, quien fue llevado a la guarida del Yakuza, ya que, Toma no lo quería dejar ir, decide morir después de ser aplastado por el cruel y mortal Daiki. ¡La historia del amor fatal de Mijun, cubierta con "Mamá" por el sexy jefe yakuza Daiki Jo y su hijo Toma!
Vol. 1 Ch. 4
Feb 15, 2021
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