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Dec 24, 2022

One of the keys to creating fantastic food in a business kitchen is guaranteeing that the work streams in a precise way for effectiveness, cleanliness and correspondence. There should be space for prep regions, burners, stoves, fryers, warmers and administration regions. Moreover, a business kitchen configuration requires capacity regions with racks and cupboards and washing regions with sinks, dishwashing machines and drying racks.

Business kitchen plans should consider ergonomics, energy proficiency, ventilation and upkeep. Moreover, you should have business grade kitchen gear and apparatuses. Coolers, coolers, fryers, vent hoods, planning tables, utensils and cooking vessels are a couple of sorts of hardware expected for effective ad dinner readiness. This multitude of components should meet security necessities and nearby codes.

In the event that it appears to be overpowering to design a very much spread out, ergonomically useful kitchen, Halfway Café Supply can help! We start by conversing with you about the way of cooking your foundation creates and the number of feasts that are served on a run of the mill day. This impacts the sort and game plan of workstations, number of burners required and what specialty gear might be required. We likewise consider neighborhood wellbeing and security codes for plumbing, refrigeration, ventilation, power plugs, wash stations and consolidation of the right business kitchen gear .

Business Kitchen Plan Formats
There are three essential formats normally utilized in business kitchen plan. Each can be customized to suit your necessities. Adding ergonomic elements improves staff solace and productivity, saves time and increments security. Expanding table level holds culinary experts back from twisting around to prepare or prepare food. Vital position of lights allows staff to see better and work securely. Having hardware helpful to workstations increments effectiveness.

ZONE Designs
Zone formats orchestrate workspaces as indicated by exercises. Cleaning and washing are close to the entry, where servers can store utilized dishes. The assistance region is close to the exit, permitting waiters to get orders and convey them to tables. Separate zones are assigned for stockpiling, getting, food readiness and cooking. Each zone can incorporate workstations that oblige periods of readiness and cooking, like barbecue, sauté, salad or treat stations. Each can be equipped with utensils, machines and other hardware to increment productivity.

ISLAND Formats
Island formats bunch significant exercises around a focal block where barbecuing, sautéing and other cooking exercises occur. Regions around the sides are devoted to preparing, washing, administration and capacity and getting. The roundabout progression of an island works with correspondence and simplicity of development. This design functions admirably in an enormous kitchen however can be utilized in kitchens of any shape or size.

Sequential construction system Formats
Sequential construction system designs are great for foundations with restricted menus like pizza, or for cafeterias and drive-through eateries. As food is ready and cooked, it is sent down the line to the help region. Different exercises, like capacity, washing, cleaning and getting, are behind the line. This design works with work process and correspondence.

Arranging your new kitchen with a business kitchen plan proficient will set aside cash and assist you with staying away from expensive errors. The plan specialists at Halfway can assist you with streamlining space toward the back and front of the house, make a spending plan and conform to all codes.

Halfway can likewise assist you with choosing the right machines and gear to upgrade work process. We supply cooking and baking gear, business worktables, refrigeration hardware, racking, cookware, smallwares and that's just the beginning — all the kitchen hardware you will require for a fruitful activity. Call Halfway Café Supply today for assist with kitchen arranging and furnishing!

Fundamental Highlights OF A Very much Planned KITCHEN
One of the viewpoints we love most about kitchen configuration is that no two spaces we plan for clients are the very same. We form the styles and elements of every one to be a genuine impression of their proprietors, taking care of their ways of life. In this way, every kitchen you'll find in our client kitchens is special to our clients - however having said that, there are a couple of elements that all very much planned kitchens share practically speaking…

1. Brilliant Capacity AND Pantry SPACE
One thing you certainly can't bear to have as an untimely idea is capacity. All things considered, in the event that you don't have proficient capacity in your kitchen, it turns out to be considerably more hard to appropriately utilize it! What you keep in your kitchen will rely a great deal upon what you like to plan and cook, so pondering your preferences is a fundamental thought while upgrading your kitchen. It's about what you use, either, yet how frequently you'll end up utilizing it - so make certain to remember that! Fortunately, today there's no lack of productive stockpiling arrangements you can use for your kitchen, so don't hesitate for even a moment to get innovative!

2. Easily Polished WORKTOPS THAT ARE BOTH Pragmatic AND Solid
Your kitchen worktops are perhaps of the greatest effect on your kitchen's general style, so it's critical to select them cautiously all along, so their look supplements the general appearance of your space. Likewise, you'll likewise require them to be sufficiently sturdy to deal with the requests of your space, including whether they're in danger of chipping or harm in close family spaces. Fortunately, most current worktops are more than equipped for dealing with this, yet giving it an idea, in the event is as yet shrewd!

3. Wonderful FITTINGS AND Top notch Apparatuses
The genuine workhorses of your kitchen are, obviously, your apparatuses. We're a Neff Expert Accomplice here at Kitchen Configuration Center (in any event, winning one of their industry grants as of late), and that implies we're the ideal individuals to assist you with equiping your kitchen with strong, imaginative and effective machines. Once more, you'll have to ponder what ones turn out best for your space, particularly in the event that it's restricted. For extractor fans, for instance, an innovative arrangement like a downdraft extractor can assist you with keeping your kitchen smelling new and clear without settling on space.
Similarly, your fittings fill both reasonable utilitarian needs and wonderful stylish ones, as well. A helpful kitchen cabinet can be given a new style with the expansion of downplayed handles, and a standard sink can be lifted with a glorious Quooker tap.

4. Painstakingly Thought about LIGHTING
Your lighting can have a massively emotional impact over your last plan, and you can utilize it to mirror the air you need for your space. Delicate, warm lighting can make it look comfortable and welcoming, though more splendid white lighting can improve the impact of a cutting edge or contemporary kitchen. You could in fact make them configuration highlights all by themselves - for this open arrangement horse shelter transformation, for example, our originator Paul Harrington consolidated highlight pendant lighting over the promontory, for a captivating last impact.

5. An Unmistakable Tasteful AND STYLE
While you're pondering this large number of different components, you'll likewise have to arrange for how they all fit and complete one another, to give your kitchen a particular look and character. Having too many contending tones or surfaces in a space can all also effectively wind up making it look jumbled and muddled. To keep away from this, you can constantly take a gander at probably the most well known styles of creator kitchens - for instance, contemporary kitchens, modern styles, or a country farmhouse space. This shouldn't imply that your kitchen needs to fit precisely into these formats, obviously; you can mix a few of them together to cause your kitchen look and to feel special. They can, be that as it may, give you superb beginning stages to conclude your vision for your fantasy kitchen!
find out more ; https://thegrafyt.com/
Feb 03, 2023
Commercial vs. Industrial Applications: Focus on Cold Applications

Protection application types can be separated into numerous classifications. One method for characterizing them is by market: private, business, or modern. For the reasons for this article, the examination will be restricted to business versus modern. How might a project worker move toward these applications uniquely in contrast to a materials, statement, or work stance? Zeroing in explicitly on chilly applications, this article will focus in on beneath encompassing temperature applications.

How Are Business and Modern Applications Characterized?
In the first place, what are a few instances of business and modern applications? Commonplace business applications incorporate strip shopping centers, places of business, clinics, schools, chapels, lodgings, condos, stores, ice arenas, and perhaps light producers. Normal modern applications incorporate assembling, food handling or stockpiling, compound, petrochemical, and power plants. Project workers will generally characterize themselves as one or the other business or modern in light of the sort of activities they work on most. Modern project workers might offer on business work when the modern area dials back, yet most business project workers stay predominately inside their principal specialized topic. Business work will in general track the economy and be genuinely steady, while modern activities will more often than not be founded on longer-term financial projections and needs, and will quite often be more repeating (one extreme or another). Once designated, they progress paying little mind to current circumstances.

The qualification among business and modern workers for hire is genuinely clear. In any case, as contracting firms become bigger and their requirement for business develops, the qualification might obscure.

Frequently, the view of modern applications is that they address for the most part "hot" protection work. Albeit modern applications might have more hot work (it is assessed that 75% of modern work is hot), there are surely a lot of modern applications that include cold water, chilled water, refrigeration, and cryogenic applications, as well. From a temperature viewpoint, modern applications cover a more extensive territory than business: Beneath surrounding modern applications can go from 50° to - 300°F or underneath, while business work stops around - 10°F. With additional outrageous temperatures, modern work frequently includes multi-facet protection due to the thickness prerequisites and extra fume obstructions expected to forestall buildup or ice development. Modern applications additionally may show a lot more noteworthy temperature cycling, which can make issues with both the protection and jacketing.

From an exhibition outlook, modern and business applications endeavor to achieve similar objectives:

Lessen heat gain
Save energy
Decrease outflows
Forestall buildup
Further develop gear execution
Further develop process execution
Diminish water utilization
Further develop work force assurance
Control sound
Give freeze assurance
The warm elements are no different for business and modern applications.

Other than temperature range, different qualifications among business and modern applications incorporate the assumptions or necessities for climate opposition, compound obstruction, consumption obstruction, pipe sizes, and life span. Business occupations are presumably new development and predominately indoor applications, while modern activities are many times retrofit or plant extension work, with a rough outside to-indoor proportion of 60-to-40. These elements will quite often make modern positions substantially more confounded. Work and jacketing choice are key variables too. As Beam Stuckenschmidt of Frameworks Covert, Inc., notes, "When you are managing modern positions, you need to truly understand what you are doing."

Business occupations are simpler to get to, the work isn't as clogged, and there is less requirement for auxiliary jacketing, which permits the protection to effectively be applied more. Then again, business work frequently is delivered in stages as a task advances. For instance, condo ventures might be delivered as floors are done, so the all out opportunity to finish the work might be significantly longer than that of a modern occupation where the time span is more tight on the grounds that the work should be finished during a closure period. A few modern positions are offered on a period and-materials or an expense in addition to premise, which wouldn't regularly be the situation on the business side. Modern positions should be offered with more possibility factors worked in due to the factors that might be related with the gig. The wellbeing record of an organization is likewise vital while offering for a modern work, though that probably won't be a critical part for a business work.

Sadly, numerous business occupations are submitted for bid with drawings that might be just 60% complete. "Business applications require a serious level of information on the frameworks required to guarantee that the gauge is finished," says W. Paul Stonebraker of TRA Thermatech.

Materials and Thickness Prerequisites
From a materials stance, the temperature scope of business occupations implies that the most widely recognized protection items — like fiberglass, polyolefin, or elastomeric materials — are generally utilized, in spite of the fact that there is some cross-over with the modern positions, which frequently utilize different materials, including cell glass and polyisocyanurate. As changes in materials happen, they might be utilized in applications where they were not recently thought of.

Now and again, the kind of line material being covered may restrict the sort of protection utilized. Least protection thickness necessities will be directed by construction standards for business occupations, yet by the structure proprietor for modern positions. This implies the project worker is more restricted in materials for business occupations — there might be two or three materials to look over, contingent upon the designing determination, yet the base thickness will be directed by code. Modern proprietors frequently contact protection project workers for input on what materials perform best. Whether the occupation is business or modern, materials cost and simplicity of establishment (work) will direct what is utilized. According to the proprietor's perspective, simplicity of upkeep likewise might be a consider material determination.

Everybody searches for an edge that will give a lower cost, which is where simplicity of establishment can tip material choice somehow.

In both modern and business cases, application disappointment can bring about significant expenses, so alternate routes ought not be taken. Best practices should be utilized. In view of task size, disappointments on modern positions might be bigger, however proprietors are for the most part associated with the cycle and more unambiguous about the kind of protection and establishment. Since business work includes more contact with the general population, the chance of a claim because of a bombed work is more probable. The business worker for hire additionally must be adaptable and adjust to changing client assumptions that may not be too characterized as those in the modern area.

Consider, for instance, the issue of shape and buildup. Paul Sawatzke of Enervation, Inc., brings up that "the issue of dampness, shape, and buildup is meaningfully having an impact on the manner in which numerous workers for hire are taking a gander at the material chose for business occupations. We really want to respond to the requirements of the commercial center."

There might be the mixed up idea that business work can be viewed less in a serious way than modern work. One claim will persuade anybody that this isn't true. Having the option to seal up the protection framework and keep dampness out is the way in to a decent beneath encompassing application.

Most building regulations or protection suggestions like ASHRAE 90.1 base their protection thickness tables on energy investment funds. This is because of the intricacy of the tables important to represent each of the factors that influence energy reserve funds, buildup development, and the risk related with a proposal on the off chance that it brings about a bombed application. In any case, the thickness expected to forestall buildup is frequently more prominent than the reference tables propose. Figure 1 can be utilized to contrast materials with various K-values with decide the thickness expected to forestall buildup for a given arrangement of conditions. The three K-values recorded address the scope of general protection materials accessible.

For higher relative mugginess (RH), encompassing temperatures, and line sizes — or for lower liquid temperatures — more noteworthy thickness will be expected to forestall buildup. In conditions where the dew-point temperature is near the encompassing temperature, the surface emissivity of the protection coat or confronting can significantly affect the protection thickness expected for buildup control. It is suggested that 3E Plus® or a program from the material maker be utilized to work out protection thickness. Furthermore, a few materials are just accessible in unambiguous sizes. As displayed in Table 1, the distinctions in K-esteem are not radically unique until the temperatures become more limit. More noteworthy protection thickness additionally implies more noteworthy jacketing and pipe holder costs.

The protection utilized on a task is just important for the expense. This is especially valid for open air applications that should be jacketed. Jacketing gives different capabilities, like climate assurance (counting security from bright beams); dampness and dampness fume insurance; mechanical maltreatment obstruction; synthetic opposition; added erosion obstruction; and, in certain applications, fire security. Jacketing generally has been aluminum, hardened steel, or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PVC is for the most part restricted to business applications.

"Due to the frequently required diverse protection and coat necessities, modern positions are more specialized and require an exceptionally gifted work force. I would take modern positions over business occupations consistently," says Steve Isler of Old Domain.

Check commercial freeze for sale here; https://thegrafyt.com/commercial-refrigerators
Oct 10, 2022
6 Best Immersion Blender For Pureeing Soups, According to Bestreviewshk

Best Immersion Blender For Pureeing Soups is a must-have in modern kitchens. However, they vary in size, adjustability, design and other extras. We’ve rounded up a selection of models in a variety of features so there’s one to select regardless of your needs.

#bestreviewshk #Home #kitchen #blender #immersionblender #bestimmersionblenderforpureeingsoups

Overview of best immersion blender for pureeing soups

A true powerhouse in the kitchen, best immersion blender for pureeing soups can assist with almost any dish, from appetizers to desserts. Even though the kitchen aisle at your large cannery can seem crowded, choosing the right model is easy if you take a few things into account. If you use these suggestions, you'll have a hand blender that is extremely versatile and worth every penny.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-immersion-blender-for-pureeing-soups/
Oct 05, 2022
Top 9 best deep fryer under $100: Which one is ideal for you?

Do you want to know what the best deep fryer under $100 is? You've come to the proper location, so let's look below.

#bestreviewshk #kitchen #home #deepfryer #deepfryerunder$100 #bestdeepfryerunder$100

Buying Guide
Dimensions and capacity
To have a suitable deep fryer, the first criterion you should pay attention to is the size and capacity of the product. Depending on the use to choose a machine with perfect capacity. For small restaurants, deep fryers with a capacity of 4 to 8 liters are the best and sufficient choice.

For large-scale restaurants with a lot of cooking needs, it is recommended to choose deep fryers with a capacity of 10 to 20 liters. However, Double Fryer was born to serve restaurants that need to fry vegetables and meat at the same time.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-deep-fryer-under-dollar100/
Oct 10, 2022
6 Best Immersion Blender For Pureeing Soups, According to Bestreviewshk

Best Immersion Blender For Pureeing Soups is a must-have in modern kitchens. However, they vary in size, adjustability, design and other extras. We’ve rounded up a selection of models in a variety of features so there’s one to select regardless of your needs.

#bestreviewshk #Home #kitchen #blender #immersionblender #bestimmersionblenderforpureeingsoups

Overview of best immersion blender for pureeing soups

A true powerhouse in the kitchen, best immersion blender for pureeing soups can assist with almost any dish, from appetizers to desserts. Even though the kitchen aisle at your large cannery can seem crowded, choosing the right model is easy if you take a few things into account. If you use these suggestions, you'll have a hand blender that is extremely versatile and worth every penny.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-immersion-blender-for-pureeing-soups/
Oct 04, 2022
The best whole wheat bread maker for Any Space in 2022

Find all you need to know about best whole wheat bread maker recommendations, user instruction, maintenance tips and more with just a few clicks.

#bestreviewshk #Kitchen #Home #breadmaker #bestwholewheatbreadmaker

Buying guide
In order to make an informed decision, it is important to know what you are looking for in a bread maker. There are many different features to consider when buying a bread maker. Here are some things to look for while shopping for the perfect machine.


A well-built bread machine should have a sturdy exterior, you don't need something that looks cheap and flimsy. Choose a durable design and a machine that has a long warranty. The size, shape, color, and materials of a bread maker all play a role in its usability. Look at what features you need first before making a decision. Do you need adjustable knobs? Does it have an LCD display screen? Are buttons located conveniently? Take note of these considerations to make sure they fit well in your kitchen.


Look at the materials your bread maker uses. Plastic models tend to be cheaper than stainless steel ones, however, plastic-bodied bread makers may not last longer. A stainless steel model means no chipping and cracking that can occur over time. When choosing between glass and ceramic, look at how thick the top is. Glass is thicker but less sturdy; while ceramic is thinner and stronger. Choose the right type of materials for the product you want to purchase.


The bigger the size of the bread maker, the more options you have. If you're looking for a smaller bread maker, then choose between single-function models or ones that double as mixers. In addition, a larger bread maker will be able to hold more ingredients, produce more loaves per batch, and will provide more room for storing ingredients.


There's nothing worse than having to wait 20 minutes just to make some basic bread. In addition, sometimes the bread maker doesn't seem to work. A poorly functioning machine might feel like it's working fine but still won't produce a loaf of bread. That sounds really bad! However, if the machine isn't producing any errors then you know you've got a good one. Look for a model that has a powerful motor. The stronger the motor, the faster it will cook the dough.


The amount of money spent on a bread maker varies greatly depending on who makes it and where. A good model can start at $200 while a high-end model could cost over $1000. However, if you plan on making only one loaf per day, then you may get away with spending less than the average price of $400-$500. If you plan to make several loaves each week, investing a little more may save you a lot later.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-whole-wheat-bread-maker/
Sep 21, 2022
Top 4 best horizontal bread maker. Which one should you buy?

Are you finding which best horizontal bread maker to purchase? You probably can’t miss these top 4 best horizontal bread maker
#bestreviewshk #kitchen #home #breadmaker #besthorizpntalbreadmaker
What is the best bread maker?
Bread is one of the most popular and common types of bread that is eaten all around the world. The process of making bread can take up a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many people prefer to use a best bread maker instead. A bread maker uses dough hooks to knead dough, which is then placed in a baking pan for baking. The baking pan usually contains a non-stick coating or cooking spray so that the bread doesn't stick to it when it's being baked.

A bread maker is a kitchen appliance that bakes bread. It is used to mix, knead, and bake the dough into a loaf of bread. These appliances are also called automatic bread makers or even just bread machines.

There are many different types of bread makers available on the market, and each has its own pros and cons. The best bread maker is the one that suits your needs and does all the kneading and baking for you, so it’s an easy way to make fresh, homemade bread without the mess.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-horizontal-bread-maker/

Buying guide

In order to make an informed decision, it is important to know what you are looking for in a bread maker. There are many different features to consider when buying a bread maker. Here are some things to look for while shopping for the perfect machine.

A well-built bread machine should have a sturdy exterior, you don't need something that looks cheap and flimsy. Choose a durable design and a machine that has a long warranty. The size, shape, color, and materials of a bread maker all play a role in its usability. Look at what features you need first before making a decision. Do you need adjustable knobs? Does it have an LCD display screen? Are buttons located conveniently? Take note of these considerations to make sure they fit well in your kitchen.

Look at the materials your bread maker uses. Plastic models tend to be cheaper than stainless steel ones, however, plastic-bodied bread makers may not last longer. A stainless steel model means no chipping and cracking that can occur over time. When choosing between glass and ceramic, look at how thick the top is. Glass is thicker but less sturdy; while ceramic is thinner and stronger. Choose the right type of materials for the product you want to purchase.

The bigger the size of the bread maker, the more options you have. If you're looking for a smaller bread maker, then choose between single-function models or ones that double as mixers. In addition, a larger bread maker will be able to hold more ingredients, produce more loaves per batch, and will provide more room for storing ingredients.

There's nothing worse than having to wait 20 minutes just to make some basic bread. In addition, sometimes the bread maker doesn't seem to work. A poorly functioning machine might feel like it's working fine but still won't produce a loaf of bread. That sounds really bad! However, if the machine isn't producing any errors then you know you've got a good one. Look for a model that has a powerful motor. The stronger the motor, the faster it will cook the dough.

The amount of money spent on a bread maker varies greatly depending on who makes it and where. A good model can start at $200 while a high-end model could cost over $1000. However, if you plan on making only one loaf per day, then you may get away with spending less than the average price of $400-$500. If you plan to make several loaves each week, investing a little more may save you a lot later.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-horizontal-bread-maker/

Tips for using a bread maker

Bread makers are a great way to make fresh bread in the comfort of your own kitchen. Bread makers are not just for professionals but can be used by anyone who enjoys baking fresh and healthy loaves at home. However, they can be a bit tricky to use. There are many tips for using a bread maker.

First of all, it is advisable to use good quality ingredients like whole wheat flour and yeast which you can buy at any grocery store or supermarket. You need to mix the ingredients together with water in order to make dough which will be kneaded by the machine automatically.

Also, you should make sure that you measure the ingredients correctly with cups or spoons so that your bread will not turn out too dry or too wet. What’s more, you should also remember to set your oven to the right temperature before you put the dough inside. And make sure that you have enough space in your oven to cook the loaf of bread after it is done cooking in the bread maker.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-horizontal-bread-maker/
Sep 21, 2022
Top 4 best horizontal bread maker. Which one should you buy?

Are you finding which best horizontal bread maker to purchase? You probably can’t miss these top 4 best horizontal bread maker
#bestreviewshk #kitchen #home #breadmaker #besthorizpntalbreadmaker
What is the best bread maker?
Bread is one of the most popular and common types of bread that is eaten all around the world. The process of making bread can take up a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many people prefer to use a best bread maker instead. A bread maker uses dough hooks to knead dough, which is then placed in a baking pan for baking. The baking pan usually contains a non-stick coating or cooking spray so that the bread doesn't stick to it when it's being baked.

A bread maker is a kitchen appliance that bakes bread. It is used to mix, knead, and bake the dough into a loaf of bread. These appliances are also called automatic bread makers or even just bread machines.

There are many different types of bread makers available on the market, and each has its own pros and cons. The best bread maker is the one that suits your needs and does all the kneading and baking for you, so it’s an easy way to make fresh, homemade bread without the mess.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-horizontal-bread-maker/

Buying guide

In order to make an informed decision, it is important to know what you are looking for in a bread maker. There are many different features to consider when buying a bread maker. Here are some things to look for while shopping for the perfect machine.

A well-built bread machine should have a sturdy exterior, you don't need something that looks cheap and flimsy. Choose a durable design and a machine that has a long warranty. The size, shape, color, and materials of a bread maker all play a role in its usability. Look at what features you need first before making a decision. Do you need adjustable knobs? Does it have an LCD display screen? Are buttons located conveniently? Take note of these considerations to make sure they fit well in your kitchen.

Look at the materials your bread maker uses. Plastic models tend to be cheaper than stainless steel ones, however, plastic-bodied bread makers may not last longer. A stainless steel model means no chipping and cracking that can occur over time. When choosing between glass and ceramic, look at how thick the top is. Glass is thicker but less sturdy; while ceramic is thinner and stronger. Choose the right type of materials for the product you want to purchase.

The bigger the size of the bread maker, the more options you have. If you're looking for a smaller bread maker, then choose between single-function models or ones that double as mixers. In addition, a larger bread maker will be able to hold more ingredients, produce more loaves per batch, and will provide more room for storing ingredients.

There's nothing worse than having to wait 20 minutes just to make some basic bread. In addition, sometimes the bread maker doesn't seem to work. A poorly functioning machine might feel like it's working fine but still won't produce a loaf of bread. That sounds really bad! However, if the machine isn't producing any errors then you know you've got a good one. Look for a model that has a powerful motor. The stronger the motor, the faster it will cook the dough.

The amount of money spent on a bread maker varies greatly depending on who makes it and where. A good model can start at $200 while a high-end model could cost over $1000. However, if you plan on making only one loaf per day, then you may get away with spending less than the average price of $400-$500. If you plan to make several loaves each week, investing a little more may save you a lot later.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-horizontal-bread-maker/

Tips for using a bread maker

Bread makers are a great way to make fresh bread in the comfort of your own kitchen. Bread makers are not just for professionals but can be used by anyone who enjoys baking fresh and healthy loaves at home. However, they can be a bit tricky to use. There are many tips for using a bread maker.

First of all, it is advisable to use good quality ingredients like whole wheat flour and yeast which you can buy at any grocery store or supermarket. You need to mix the ingredients together with water in order to make dough which will be kneaded by the machine automatically.

Also, you should make sure that you measure the ingredients correctly with cups or spoons so that your bread will not turn out too dry or too wet. What’s more, you should also remember to set your oven to the right temperature before you put the dough inside. And make sure that you have enough space in your oven to cook the loaf of bread after it is done cooking in the bread maker.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-horizontal-bread-maker/
Sep 17, 2022
The most convenient best bread maker for a busy life!

This 9 best bread maker are a great choice for your life. See you now!

#kitchen #home #bestreviewshk #breadmaker #bestbreadmaker
The most convenient best bread maker for a busy life!
What is the best bread maker?
Bread is one of the most popular and common types of bread that is eaten all around the world. The process of making bread can take up a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many people prefer to use a best bread maker instead. A bread maker uses dough hooks to knead dough, which is then placed in a baking pan for baking. The baking pan usually contains a non-stick coating or cooking spray so that the bread doesn't stick to it when it's being baked.

A bread maker is a kitchen appliance that bakes bread. It is used to mix, knead, and bake the dough into a loaf of bread. These appliances are also called automatic bread makers or even just bread machines.

There are many different types of bread makers available on the market, and each has its own pros and cons. The best bread maker is the one that suits your needs and does all the kneading and baking for you, so it’s an easy way to make fresh, homemade bread without the mess.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-bread-maker/

Buying guide

In order to make an informed decision, it is important to know what you are looking for in a bread maker. There are many different features to consider when buying a bread maker. Here are some things to look for while shopping for the perfect machine.

A well-built bread machine should have a sturdy exterior, you don't need something that looks cheap and flimsy. Choose a durable design and a machine that has a long warranty. The size, shape, color, and materials of a bread maker all play a role in its usability. Look at what features you need first before making a decision. Do you need adjustable knobs? Does it have an LCD display screen? Are buttons located conveniently? Take note of these considerations to make sure they fit well in your kitchen.

Look at the materials your bread maker uses. Plastic models tend to be cheaper than stainless steel ones, however, plastic-bodied bread makers may not last longer. A stainless steel model means no chipping and cracking that can occur over time. When choosing between glass and ceramic, look at how thick the top is. Glass is thicker but less sturdy; while ceramic is thinner and stronger. Choose the right type of materials for the product you want to purchase.

The bigger the size of the bread maker, the more options you have. If you're looking for a smaller bread maker, then choose between single-function models or ones that double as mixers. In addition, a larger bread maker will be able to hold more ingredients, produce more loaves per batch, and will provide more room for storing ingredients.

There's nothing worse than having to wait 20 minutes just to make some basic bread. In addition, sometimes the bread maker doesn't seem to work. A poorly functioning machine might feel like it's working fine but still won't produce a loaf of bread. That sounds really bad! However, if the machine isn't producing any errors then you know you've got a good one. Look for a model that has a powerful motor. The stronger the motor, the faster it will cook the dough.

The amount of money spent on a bread maker varies greatly depending on who makes it and where. A good model can start at $200 while a high-end model could cost over $1000. However, if you plan on making only one loaf per day, then you may get away with spending less than the average price of $400-$500. If you plan to make several loaves each week, investing a little more may save you a lot later.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-bread-maker/
Oct 18, 2022
The best compact dishwasher 2022: Refresh your home!

What are you afraid of when choosing to buy the best compact dishwasher? Most people are willing to spend a good amount of money to buy refrigeration equipment

#thehalforange #kitchen #home #compact #compactdishwasher #bestcompactdishwasher
Types of Dishwashers
Built-in and portable dishwashers are the two main types of dishwashers, and they come in fully automated, mid, and manual configurations.

Built-in cleaners are the most popular form of dishwasher in houses; they are made to fit beneath a counter. Due to the need for a sewer supply, built-ins are frequently placed next to the kitchen sink. In a brand-new kitchen, the built-in under-counter washing is simple to install. A preexisting galley can also be partially renovated by adding a power outlet, extending the piping for the sink, and removing some upper cabinets or drawers to make room for dishwashing, depending on its size.

Dishwashers with a counter are made to stand on a counter. These devices generally have dimensions of 20 to 24 inches in width, 22 to 24 inches in depth, and 25 to 28 inches in height. These devices require an electrical transmission outlet for power and have a water intake line that is attached to the restaurant sink faucet. They also include a disposal hose that empties the filthy water into the sink. Stand units have a wash capacity of six to eight function rooms.

For rental houses, a mobile free-standing dishwasher with wheels is a useful alternative. These dishes are also offered in India as a moveable countertops model, which must be put close to the sink in order to connect to the sink faucet when in use. A top shower does have the disadvantage of making the kitchen appear crowded.

For those who rent an apartment, or RV, or live in a tiny place, portable units are excellent solutions. These appliances generally have dimensions of 20 to 25 inches in width, 27 to 30 inches in depth, and 34 to 38 inches in height. Portable units are intended to be stashed when not used. they are slightly bigger than desktop devices and they can hold eight to twelve place settings each wash. Similar to table units, these appliances will need access to the bathroom sink for water and drainage.

Source: https://thehalforange.com/best-compact-dishwasher/
Sep 23, 2022
The 4 best bread maker under $200: Which is perfect for you?

Are you having trouble picking which best bread maker under $200 to purchase? Our guide will aid you in choosing a best product

#bestreviewshk #kitchen #home #bread_maker #best_bread_maker_under_200

What is the best bread maker?

Bread is one of the most popular and common types of bread that is eaten all around the world. The process of making bread can take up a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many people prefer to use a best bread maker instead. A bread maker uses dough hooks to knead dough, which is then placed in a baking pan for baking. The baking pan usually contains a non-stick coating or cooking spray so that the bread doesn't stick to it when it's being baked.

A bread maker is a kitchen appliance that bakes bread. It is used to mix, knead, and bake the dough into a loaf of bread. These appliances are also called automatic bread makers or even just bread machines.

There are many different types of bread makers available on the market, and each has its own pros and cons. The best bread maker is the one that suits your needs and does all the kneading and baking for you, so it’s an easy way to make fresh, homemade bread without the mess.
Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-bread-maker-under-dollar200/

Buying guide

In order to make an informed decision, it is important to know what you are looking for in a bread maker. There are many different features to consider when buying a bread maker. Here are some things to look for while shopping for the perfect machine.

A well-built bread machine should have a sturdy exterior, you don't need something that looks cheap and flimsy. Choose a durable design and a machine that has a long warranty. The size, shape, color, and materials of a bread maker all play a role in its usability. Look at what features you need first before making a decision. Do you need adjustable knobs? Does it have an LCD display screen? Are buttons located conveniently? Take note of these considerations to make sure they fit well in your kitchen.

Look at the materials your bread maker uses. Plastic models tend to be cheaper than stainless steel ones, however, plastic-bodied bread makers may not last longer. A stainless steel model means no chipping and cracking that can occur over time. When choosing between glass and ceramic, look at how thick the top is. Glass is thicker but less sturdy; while ceramic is thinner and stronger. Choose the right type of materials for the product you want to purchase.

The bigger the size of the bread maker, the more options you have. If you're looking for a smaller bread maker, then choose between single-function models or ones that double as mixers. In addition, a larger bread maker will be able to hold more ingredients, produce more loaves per batch, and will provide more room for storing ingredients.

There's nothing worse than having to wait 20 minutes just to make some basic bread. In addition, sometimes the bread maker doesn't seem to work. A poorly functioning machine might feel like it's working fine but still won't produce a loaf of bread. That sounds really bad! However, if the machine isn't producing any errors then you know you've got a good one. Look for a model that has a powerful motor. The stronger the motor, the faster it will cook the dough.

The amount of money spent on a bread maker varies greatly depending on who makes it and where. A good model can start at $200 while a high-end model could cost over $1000. However, if you plan on making only one loaf per day, then you may get away with spending less than the average price of $400-$500. If you plan to make several loaves each week, investing a little more may save you a lot later.
Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-bread-maker-under-dollar200/
Sep 17, 2022
The most convenient best bread maker for a busy life!

This 9 best bread maker are a great choice for your life. See you now!

#kitchen #home #bestreviewshk #breadmaker #bestbreadmaker
The most convenient best bread maker for a busy life!
What is the best bread maker?
Bread is one of the most popular and common types of bread that is eaten all around the world. The process of making bread can take up a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many people prefer to use a best bread maker instead. A bread maker uses dough hooks to knead dough, which is then placed in a baking pan for baking. The baking pan usually contains a non-stick coating or cooking spray so that the bread doesn't stick to it when it's being baked.

A bread maker is a kitchen appliance that bakes bread. It is used to mix, knead, and bake the dough into a loaf of bread. These appliances are also called automatic bread makers or even just bread machines.

There are many different types of bread makers available on the market, and each has its own pros and cons. The best bread maker is the one that suits your needs and does all the kneading and baking for you, so it’s an easy way to make fresh, homemade bread without the mess.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-bread-maker/

Buying guide

In order to make an informed decision, it is important to know what you are looking for in a bread maker. There are many different features to consider when buying a bread maker. Here are some things to look for while shopping for the perfect machine.

A well-built bread machine should have a sturdy exterior, you don't need something that looks cheap and flimsy. Choose a durable design and a machine that has a long warranty. The size, shape, color, and materials of a bread maker all play a role in its usability. Look at what features you need first before making a decision. Do you need adjustable knobs? Does it have an LCD display screen? Are buttons located conveniently? Take note of these considerations to make sure they fit well in your kitchen.

Look at the materials your bread maker uses. Plastic models tend to be cheaper than stainless steel ones, however, plastic-bodied bread makers may not last longer. A stainless steel model means no chipping and cracking that can occur over time. When choosing between glass and ceramic, look at how thick the top is. Glass is thicker but less sturdy; while ceramic is thinner and stronger. Choose the right type of materials for the product you want to purchase.

The bigger the size of the bread maker, the more options you have. If you're looking for a smaller bread maker, then choose between single-function models or ones that double as mixers. In addition, a larger bread maker will be able to hold more ingredients, produce more loaves per batch, and will provide more room for storing ingredients.

There's nothing worse than having to wait 20 minutes just to make some basic bread. In addition, sometimes the bread maker doesn't seem to work. A poorly functioning machine might feel like it's working fine but still won't produce a loaf of bread. That sounds really bad! However, if the machine isn't producing any errors then you know you've got a good one. Look for a model that has a powerful motor. The stronger the motor, the faster it will cook the dough.

The amount of money spent on a bread maker varies greatly depending on who makes it and where. A good model can start at $200 while a high-end model could cost over $1000. However, if you plan on making only one loaf per day, then you may get away with spending less than the average price of $400-$500. If you plan to make several loaves each week, investing a little more may save you a lot later.

Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-bread-maker/
Sep 23, 2022
The 4 best bread maker under $200: Which is perfect for you?

Are you having trouble picking which best bread maker under $200 to purchase? Our guide will aid you in choosing a best product

#bestreviewshk #kitchen #home #bread_maker #best_bread_maker_under_200

What is the best bread maker?

Bread is one of the most popular and common types of bread that is eaten all around the world. The process of making bread can take up a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many people prefer to use a best bread maker instead. A bread maker uses dough hooks to knead dough, which is then placed in a baking pan for baking. The baking pan usually contains a non-stick coating or cooking spray so that the bread doesn't stick to it when it's being baked.

A bread maker is a kitchen appliance that bakes bread. It is used to mix, knead, and bake the dough into a loaf of bread. These appliances are also called automatic bread makers or even just bread machines.

There are many different types of bread makers available on the market, and each has its own pros and cons. The best bread maker is the one that suits your needs and does all the kneading and baking for you, so it’s an easy way to make fresh, homemade bread without the mess.
Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-bread-maker-under-dollar200/

Buying guide

In order to make an informed decision, it is important to know what you are looking for in a bread maker. There are many different features to consider when buying a bread maker. Here are some things to look for while shopping for the perfect machine.

A well-built bread machine should have a sturdy exterior, you don't need something that looks cheap and flimsy. Choose a durable design and a machine that has a long warranty. The size, shape, color, and materials of a bread maker all play a role in its usability. Look at what features you need first before making a decision. Do you need adjustable knobs? Does it have an LCD display screen? Are buttons located conveniently? Take note of these considerations to make sure they fit well in your kitchen.

Look at the materials your bread maker uses. Plastic models tend to be cheaper than stainless steel ones, however, plastic-bodied bread makers may not last longer. A stainless steel model means no chipping and cracking that can occur over time. When choosing between glass and ceramic, look at how thick the top is. Glass is thicker but less sturdy; while ceramic is thinner and stronger. Choose the right type of materials for the product you want to purchase.

The bigger the size of the bread maker, the more options you have. If you're looking for a smaller bread maker, then choose between single-function models or ones that double as mixers. In addition, a larger bread maker will be able to hold more ingredients, produce more loaves per batch, and will provide more room for storing ingredients.

There's nothing worse than having to wait 20 minutes just to make some basic bread. In addition, sometimes the bread maker doesn't seem to work. A poorly functioning machine might feel like it's working fine but still won't produce a loaf of bread. That sounds really bad! However, if the machine isn't producing any errors then you know you've got a good one. Look for a model that has a powerful motor. The stronger the motor, the faster it will cook the dough.

The amount of money spent on a bread maker varies greatly depending on who makes it and where. A good model can start at $200 while a high-end model could cost over $1000. However, if you plan on making only one loaf per day, then you may get away with spending less than the average price of $400-$500. If you plan to make several loaves each week, investing a little more may save you a lot later.
Source: https://bestreviewshk.com/best-bread-maker-under-dollar200/
Oct 20, 2022
5 Best Mini Dishwasher That You Can't Miss!
The list of 5 best mini dishwasher in 2022 voted by 11,402 user reviews will make you satisfied.

#thehalforange #home #kitchen #dishwasher #bestminidishwasher
Types of Dishwashers
Built-in and portable dishwashers are the two main types of dishwashers, and they come in fully automated, mid, and manual configurations.

Built-in cleaners are the most popular form of dishwasher in houses; they are made to fit beneath a counter. Due to the need for a sewer supply, built-ins are frequently placed next to the kitchen sink. In a brand-new kitchen, the built-in under-counter washing is simple to install. A preexisting galley can also be partially renovated by adding a power outlet, extending the piping for the sink, and removing some upper cabinets or drawers to make room for dishwashing, depending on its size.

Dishwashers with a counter are made to stand on a counter. These devices generally have dimensions of 20 to 24 inches in width, 22 to 24 inches in depth, and 25 to 28 inches in height. These devices require an electrical transmission outlet for power and have a water intake line that is attached to the restaurant sink faucet. They also include a disposal hose that empties the filthy water into the sink. Stand units have a wash capacity of six to eight function rooms.

For rental houses, a mobile free-standing dishwasher with wheels is a useful alternative. These dishes are also offered in India as a moveable countertops model, which must be put close to the sink in order to connect to the sink faucet when in use. A top shower does have the disadvantage of making the kitchen appear crowded.

For those who rent an apartment, or RV, or live in a tiny place, portable units are excellent solutions. These appliances generally have dimensions of 20 to 25 inches in width, 27 to 30 inches in depth, and 34 to 38 inches in height. Portable units are intended to be stashed when not used. they are slightly bigger than desktop devices and they can hold eight to twelve place settings each wash. Similar to table units, these appliances will need access to the bathroom sink for water and drainage.

Source: https://thehalforange.com/best-mini-dishwasher/
May 01, 2024
Tips for Planning a Memorable Event at a Hotel or Resort
Are you in the midst of planning a destination wedding, a family reunion, or a corporate event? Look no further than hotels and resorts as the perfect venue for your special occasion. With their picturesque locations, luxurious amenities, and experienced staff, hotels and resorts provide an ideal setting to create unforgettable memories. In this blog post, we will share some valuable tips to help you plan and execute a successful event at a hotel or resort.
Choosing the Right Hotel or Resort
The first step in planning your event is to select the perfect hotel or resort that meets your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:
When choosing a hotel or resort, consider the location and accessibility. Additionally, ensure that the hotel or resort is situated in a picturesque location that aligns with the theme or mood of your event.
Amenities and Facilities
Take into account the amenities and facilities offered by the hotel or resort. A beautiful swimming pool, spa, fitness centre, or golf course can add an extra element of enjoyment for your guests during their stay. If you are planning a corporate event, ensure that the venue has state-of-the-art conference rooms and audio-visual equipment.
Consider the accommodation options available at the hotel or resort. You will want to ensure that there are enough rooms for all of your guests, and that they are comfortable and well-appointed. It may be helpful to visit the hotel or resort in person or read reviews online to get a better understanding of the quality of the accommodations.
Event Spaces
Check whether the hotel or resort has suitable event spaces for your specific needs. Whether you require a ballroom for a grand wedding reception or a smaller meeting room for a corporate seminar, make sure the venue can accommodate your event size and style. Additionally, inquire about any additional services they offer, such as event planning assistance or catering options.
Planning Your Event
Once you have chosen the perfect hotel or resort for your event, it's time to start planning the details. Here are some essential tips to help you organise a truly memorable occasion:
Create a Timeline
Develop a detailed timeline for your event, outlining all the tasks that need to be completed leading up to the big day. This includes booking accommodations, sending out invitations, selecting menu options, arranging transportation, and more. Having a clear timeline will help you stay organised and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.
Communicate with the Hotel or Resort
Establish open lines of communication with your chosen hotel or resort. They have experience in hosting events and can provide valuable guidance and advice. Regularly touch base with the venue's event coordinator to discuss any updates or changes to your plans. This collaboration will help ensure that your event runs smoothly.
Consider Special Touches
Add personalised touches to make your event extra special. Consider incorporating elements such as customised welcome gifts for your guests, themed decorations, or interactive activities to keep everyone engaged. These small details can leave a lasting impression and make your event truly unforgettable.
Menu Selection
Food plays a vital role in any event. Work closely with the hotel or resort's catering team to create a menu that suits your event and guests' preferences. Whether you opt for a formal sit-down dinner, a buffet-style feast, or a cocktail reception, ensure that the food is of high quality and reflects the overall theme of the occasion.
The Day of the Event
Finally, it's the big day! Here are some tips to ensure that everything goes according to plan:
Arrive Early
Make sure you arrive at the hotel or resort early on the day of the event. This will give you ample time to oversee the final preparations, meet with the hotel staff, and address any last-minute concerns. Being present will allow you to focus on ensuring that everything runs smoothly.
Assign Responsibilities
Delegate tasks to trusted individuals to help manage the event. This could include checking in guests, overseeing the setup of event spaces, or coordinating with vendors. By assigning responsibilities, you can alleviate some of the stress and ensure that all aspects of the event are well-managed.
Enjoy and Be Present
Although it can be tempting to worry about every detail, remember to enjoy the event and be present in the moment. After all, you have put in significant effort to make this occasion a success. Take the time to interact with your guests, appreciate their presence, and create lasting memories together.
Planning an event at a hotel or resort can be an exciting and rewarding experience. By carefully selecting the right venue, collaborating with the hotel or resort staff, and paying attention to the details, you can create a truly memorable occasion for your guests. Whether it's a destination wedding, a family reunion, or a corporate event, a hotel or resort provides the perfect backdrop for celebrating life's special moments. So, start planning today and get ready to host an event that will be cherished for years to come!
May 01, 2024
Tips for Planning a Memorable Event at a Hotel or Resort
Are you in the midst of planning a destination wedding, a family reunion, or a corporate event? Look no further than hotels and resorts as the perfect venue for your special occasion. With their picturesque locations, luxurious amenities, and experienced staff, hotels and resorts provide an ideal setting to create unforgettable memories. In this blog post, we will share some valuable tips to help you plan and execute a successful event at a hotel or resort.
Choosing the Right Hotel or Resort
The first step in planning your event is to select the perfect hotel or resort that meets your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:
When choosing a hotel or resort, consider the location and accessibility. Additionally, ensure that the hotel or resort is situated in a picturesque location that aligns with the theme or mood of your event.
Amenities and Facilities
Take into account the amenities and facilities offered by the hotel or resort. A beautiful swimming pool, spa, fitness centre, or golf course can add an extra element of enjoyment for your guests during their stay. If you are planning a corporate event, ensure that the venue has state-of-the-art conference rooms and audio-visual equipment.
Consider the accommodation options available at the hotel or resort. You will want to ensure that there are enough rooms for all of your guests, and that they are comfortable and well-appointed. It may be helpful to visit the hotel or resort in person or read reviews online to get a better understanding of the quality of the accommodations.
Event Spaces
Check whether the hotel or resort has suitable event spaces for your specific needs. Whether you require a ballroom for a grand wedding reception or a smaller meeting room for a corporate seminar, make sure the venue can accommodate your event size and style. Additionally, inquire about any additional services they offer, such as event planning assistance or catering options.
Planning Your Event
Once you have chosen the perfect hotel or resort for your event, it's time to start planning the details. Here are some essential tips to help you organise a truly memorable occasion:
Create a Timeline
Develop a detailed timeline for your event, outlining all the tasks that need to be completed leading up to the big day. This includes booking accommodations, sending out invitations, selecting menu options, arranging transportation, and more. Having a clear timeline will help you stay organised and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.
Communicate with the Hotel or Resort
Establish open lines of communication with your chosen hotel or resort. They have experience in hosting events and can provide valuable guidance and advice. Regularly touch base with the venue's event coordinator to discuss any updates or changes to your plans. This collaboration will help ensure that your event runs smoothly.
Consider Special Touches
Add personalised touches to make your event extra special. Consider incorporating elements such as customised welcome gifts for your guests, themed decorations, or interactive activities to keep everyone engaged. These small details can leave a lasting impression and make your event truly unforgettable.
Menu Selection
Food plays a vital role in any event. Work closely with the hotel or resort's catering team to create a menu that suits your event and guests' preferences. Whether you opt for a formal sit-down dinner, a buffet-style feast, or a cocktail reception, ensure that the food is of high quality and reflects the overall theme of the occasion.
The Day of the Event
Finally, it's the big day! Here are some tips to ensure that everything goes according to plan:
Arrive Early
Make sure you arrive at the hotel or resort early on the day of the event. This will give you ample time to oversee the final preparations, meet with the hotel staff, and address any last-minute concerns. Being present will allow you to focus on ensuring that everything runs smoothly.
Assign Responsibilities
Delegate tasks to trusted individuals to help manage the event. This could include checking in guests, overseeing the setup of event spaces, or coordinating with vendors. By assigning responsibilities, you can alleviate some of the stress and ensure that all aspects of the event are well-managed.
Enjoy and Be Present
Although it can be tempting to worry about every detail, remember to enjoy the event and be present in the moment. After all, you have put in significant effort to make this occasion a success. Take the time to interact with your guests, appreciate their presence, and create lasting memories together.
Planning an event at a hotel or resort can be an exciting and rewarding experience. By carefully selecting the right venue, collaborating with the hotel or resort staff, and paying attention to the details, you can create a truly memorable occasion for your guests. Whether it's a destination wedding, a family reunion, or a corporate event, a hotel or resort provides the perfect backdrop for celebrating life's special moments. So, start planning today and get ready to host an event that will be cherished for years to come!
Shornima Jahin
Shornima Jahin
May 13, 2021
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May 12, 2021
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May 11, 2021
A alguien más no le cargan los capítulos actualizados??
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May 10, 2021
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