Gankutsuou (The count of monte cristo (anime))

Gankutsuou is my favorite anime, and it definitely deserves to be.
Even though it’s not a well known one, gankutsuou is an adored anime which is basically the anime version of the count of monte cristo, but with spaceships and space pirates.

The story goes around a young lad called Albert, which is bored so he gets into trouble and the Count saves him and befriends him. After that, the bizzare adventure of the Count begins and he starts excellently manipulating people with the only goal of getting revenge.

It has 24 episodes and it is DEFINITELY WORTH TO WATCH. From the artstyle to the compelling story, from the characters to the thrilling events, all are original and facinating to watch.

So watch it. It may be a bit boring in the first episode, but believe me it gets much, much better.
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There is Manga?
Sep 30, 2019
Mr. Yuri Inspector
Don’t know, probably not but could be.
It has it’s real book, the count of monte cristo
Oct 01, 2019